The College Freshman Book Tag (Origninal)

Hey Bookworms! This is an original tag that we created and we hope you’ll enjoy it! We’re both about six years out from our freshman year in college, but our memories of the freshman struggle still remain. We’re sure many of you can relate to this in some way, or will relate to it at some point in your life. So, without further ado, here’s The College Freshman Book Tag!



  1. Give credit to the creator of the tag!
  2. Answer the questions to the best of your ability! You don’t have to be in college or have gone to college to answer these!
  3. Tag three people to complete the tag.


The Roommate

Roommates can be a hit or miss experience freshman year, especially when you don’t get the opportunity to pick who you room with. Name a character you’d love to be roommates with and one you’d hate to be roommates with.

Dawlyn: I would hate to room with Wren from Fangirl By: Rainbow Rowell. I never liked her character. Though I sometimes understood where she was coming from on certain fronts, she was annoying and selfish, in my opinion. I would love to room with Cath, from Fangirl By: Rainbow Rowell. Cath is everything! I relate to her on a spiritual level and if it weren’t for how I started my college career, my freshman experience probably would have been very similar to hers.

Krista: I would love to be roommates with so many characters! This time I’ll go with Maddy from Everything Everything By: Nicola Yoon. I love Maddy! Her room from the movie is gorgeous too, so I wouldn’t mind crashing there. Someone I would not want as a roommate would have to be Hailey from The Hate U Give. She sucks!



Before your freshman year officially begins, you typically go to an orientation to familiarize yourself with the campus. Orientation can be both exciting and scary as you’re experiencing something new. Name a book that you read to experience a new genre, or to familiarize yourself with a topic you knew nothing about. Did you like the book? What did you learn from it?

Dawlyn: In my sophomore year of undergrad, I read a book called Front of the Class By: Brad Cohen. It’s a memoir and it hit really close to home to for me. I learned a lot about what it might be like to go into the education field with a disability, and how I could use my experiences to be a better teacher in the future.

Krista: The Host By: Stephenie Meyer. This was the first Science Fiction and Dystopian book I have ever read. I loved this book, and I learned that I really love both of these genres.



It is normal to experience homesickness at some point after moving away from home for the first time. Name a book from your childhood that you love so much that you sometimes miss, and may even find yourself rereading it often.

Dawlyn: I grew up reading the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling. I read a few of them more than once, but I haven’t read any of  them since high school and I’d love to read them all again.

Krista: All of Sarah Dessen’s books, but if I have to name one I’ll say Along For the Ride. I started reading her books in middle school, and it’s been so long I have forgotten most of the plots. All I can remember is how much I loved them all and I definitely want to reread them soon!!


Choosing a Major

Choosing a major is something every college student has to do at some point, but many students choose their freshman year. Hopefully your major is something you are passionate about. Name a book that you have read about a topic you are passionate about, or a character from a book that shares a similar passion as you.

Dawlyn: Bringing it back to my pick for orientation: Front of the Class By: Brad Cohen. This book really renewed my reasoning for wanting to go into teaching and made me even more passionate about becoming a teacher.

Krista: I have many passions, and although English is not my major, one of them is writing! Therefore, Cath from Fangirl By: Rainbow Rowell and I have a similar passion. I’ve never let anyone read mine, but I used to write some fanfic of my own 🙂


Join the Club

Joining different clubs and groups can often be an exciting thing to jump into as a freshman for some, and nerve-wracking for others. Name a popular book or book series that you didn’t think you’d enjoy, but ended up loving.

Dawlyn: In most recent memory, I’ll go with the Anna and the French Kiss By: Stephanie Perkins. I’m not gonna lie I wasn’t sure about this one. It had been a while since I had read for fun in general (like maybe close to a year) and especially a while since I’d read any YA contemporary. Krista had read it and she said I haaaad to read it so I did, and of course I loved it! It got me out of my ridiculously long reading slump and the other two books after it were amazing as well!

Krista: Pride and Prejudice By: Jane Austen. I was scared to read this book because I thought it would be hard to understand. However, I ended up really enjoying it!


The All-Nighter

As a college freshman and a college student in general, all-nighters are pretty common. Name one book that was so good, you stayed up all night reading it.

Dawlyn: This has happened many a time, but The Hate U Give By: Angie Thomas is one that I read recently that I hadn’t planned staying up to read…and then it was 5am.

Krista: The Unexpected Everything By: Morgan Manson. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Something about Morgan Matson’s writing is so addicting, once I started I could not put it down.  


The Night Before It’s Due

Speaking of those all-nighters, they usually have something to do with that assignment you put off until the last minute. Name a popular book or book series that you put off reading for way too long.

Dawlyn: Percy Jackson and the Olympians By: Rick Riordan is a series that’s been around since I was in middle school and yet, here I am over a decade later having just finished reading (and loving!!) the first book in the series a few days ago.

Krista: Harry Potter By: JK Rowling. I still have not finished this series! I know guys, I know… what’s wrong with me?! Everything obviously! I plan on finishing it soon though!!


The Hangover

You may or may not have experienced a hangover… or 10 during your freshman year in college. Name a book that left you with a book hangover after you finished it.

Dawlyn: I typically recover pretty quickly after reading books and am on to the next, even with heavier books. I read The Book Thief By: Markus Zsusak recently and even though I picked up another book quickly after, I was thinking about the story for weeks after.

Krista: Fangirl By: Rainbow Rowell. I loved this book so much, and it was a bit difficult for me to start another book after I finished it. I just want more Cath in my life. I feel like I’m currently in a tiny reading slump because I just miss her so much!


On a Budget

Freshman year, you usually learn what it means to be a broke college student. Name a book that you remember buying even though you were tight on cash, because you just had to have it.

Dawlyn: Most recently I bought the 20th Anniversary Hufflepuff edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone By: JK Rowling.

Krista: I have two books for this one. The Upside of Unrequited By: Becky Albertalli and More Happy Than Not By: Adam Silvera. I bought them both at the same time even though I was really short on money. I was at Barnes and Noble (which is always dangerous) but I wasn’t planning on buying anything! My boyfriend works there, and I was waiting on him to get off work when suddenly I spotted a couple of books with an autograph sticker on the front. Lo and behold, both of these books were signed copies, and I couldn’t pass that up.


English 101

General ed courses are typically all you take freshman year, and English is usually one of them. (Depending on the prof that could be a good thing 😉 ) Name a required reading book that you loved. (it can be middle/high school or college)

Dawlyn: I loved a majority of required readings so I’ll pick three of my favorites.

To Kill a Mockingbird By: Harper E. Lee

Pride and Prejudice By: Jane Austen

The Road By: Cormac McCarthy

Krista: Flowers for Algernon By: Daniel Keyes. I actually read this before I was assigned to read it in school, and loved it so much that I was so happy when it was assigned. Reading the second time was even better than the first!


The Textbook

Part of being a broke college student is trying to find the cheapest way to buy a textbook. To make it worse, some freshman gen ed courses end up having no use for the book at all. Name a book that you spent money on and ended up not liking.

Dawlyn: Most recently I purchased The F It List By: Julie Halpern. I didn’t like it at all and I DNFd it about 100 pages in.

Krista: The Time Traveler’s Wife By: Audrey Niffenegger. I just couldn’t get into this book.


Office Hours

All professors have office hours, and often times students don’t take advantage of them. Advice for freshman: go to office hours! It is a good idea to get to know your professors. Making connections with them can lead to great tips on assignments, internship opportunities, and job connections. Name a book (autobiography or biography) that you read to get to know more about someone you are interested in.

Dawlyn: I don’t read a lot of nonfiction and what I have read, though I enjoyed them, were required readings. I do plan on reading Year of Yes By: Shonda Rhimes. I’d love to write for TV some day and I really admire Shonda and what she’s been doing in the television industry.

Krista: Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me By: Mindy Kailing. I love Mindy Kailing so much, I think she is so funny and beautiful so naturally I had to read her book. I loved it!


The Mean Professor

There’s always that one professor that no one likes, especially in freshman gen ed courses. Name a villain or any character you disliked, that you would hate to have as a professor

Dawlyn: Ok soooo Severus Snape from JK Rowling’s Harry Potter series. I’m not a fan (fight me?). He’s already a mean professor so it’s fitting!

Krista: Queen Levana from Cinder By: Marissa Meyer. I haven’t finished the series yet, but she is not a nice person, and would probably be a very mean professor!


Drop the Class

Sometimes It gets to the midpoint of the semester and you can’t take any more of a particular class, and decide to drop it. Name a book or author you thought you’d enjoy reading but ended up not liking.

Dawlyn: John Green is an author whose books are very popular and I thought that I would really enjoy. Though I loved The Fault in Our Stars, I read it after I read Paper Towns and Looking Alaska, both of which I didn’t enjoy plotwise.

Krista: Tigers Curse By: Colleen Houck. I really thought I would like this book. The cover is gorgeous, it sounded really interesting, and I had heard it was good. However, I found this book to be problematic.


Life Lessons

I learned so many life lessons my freshman year of college. The experience made me learn so much about myself that I didn’t realize. Name a book that has made you reflect on life.

Dawlyn: I’m going to go with Fangirl By: Rainbow Rowell for this one. I am a very introverted individual just like Cath, who is the MC in this book. Though I know there are plenty of people who are just as introverted as I am, a majority of the people I’m close to aren’t and so a lot of the time I’ve felt like the odd man out. When I was younger I sometimes felt lame or not adventurous, and was sometimes even called lame  for not wanting to go out, and go to parties and do “extroverted” things. As I got older and into college I really didn’t care anymore what other people thought and decided that just like it’s ok to want to go out and go to parties, it’s ok to want to stay in and enjoy your solitude. I relate to Cath and her experiences so heavily and this story was just a great reminder that not everyone likes to experience life the same way; there’s no one way to do life and that’s fine!


Krista: The Hate U Give By: Angie Thomas is such a powerful book filled with many life lessons. Although a lot of the themes in this book I already knew or believed in, this novel made me reflect about so many things. I absolutely adore Starr’s family, especially her parents. Starr’s parents really made me reflect on what family means. Reading about her mom and how she loves and takes care of Seven even though he is not her child, and knowing the circumstances of how he became a part of the family really made me reflect on love, compassion, and forgiveness. I love this book, and it will always be a favorite of mine!



Eliza @DuskAngelReads

Sophie @BlameChocolate

Aimee @ReadheadedBooklover


Thanks for taking the time out to read our tag! We’d love to hear some of you answers to these questions. Feel free to sound off in the comments!


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