Best End to a Series 

Hey Bookworms! Welcome to our November Calendar Girls Books discussion! In case you don’t know what this is, it is an event that takes place on the first Wednesday of every month. Each month, the creators chose a theme and you pick a book that fits this theme! This event is hosted by, Flavia  @FlaviatheBibliophile and Melanie @MNBernard Books. Head over to their blogs to find out more! We’re so excited to be participating in this discussion! This month’s theme is: Best End to a Trilogy. Let’s get started!

So neither of us have actually finished very many series, and those that we have finished, we didn’t too much enjoy. From the ones we both have finished, we agree that our pick is the best ending that we’ve read so far. On to our pick!

img_1801Our pick for the best end to a series is, Mockingjay by: Suzanne Collins. The Hunger Games trilogy is great overall, but it seems that the endings to dystopian trilogies in particular, tend to fall short. Though there are many different opinions about how this story ended and it’s definitely not perfect,  we feel that after all the action came to a close, the story and the characters  were given some strong closure while also leaving room to add more to that world in the future. This book is a solid end to great story.

Thanks so much for taking the time out to read our post! We’re so happy to be participating in the Calendar GIrls event and we look forward to hearing from others who are participating in it as well. Let us know if you’ve read this book and feel free to share links to your November Calendar Girls!


15 thoughts on “Best End to a Series 

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  1. Hmm… Interesting choice, you two. I wouldn’t have thought of this one as Best End to a Series, but I also had series issues with the third book as a whole. :/ And I guess I based it more on the whole book than the final closure. Though, I also have issues with time skips for ends (ala Harry Potter and this one). I just… feel like it’s cheating and wraps it up too nicely. I like leaving something to guesswork?? But maybe I’m just weird. :p

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    1. Dawlyn: Yeah this isn’t my personal choice for a best ending and we actually thought of some better choices after the fact, but we decided to go with it! I would have chosen Deathly Hallows but Krista hasn’t finished it. I don’t have a problem with the way they wrap it up at the end I enjoyed it in both endings!

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  2. Wow, gutsy choice! I definitely disagree with you guys 100%. I rolled my eyes through most of Mockingjay, which was too bad since I was so crazy about The Hunger Games and Catching Fire. I really wanted to like it, but I just didn’t.

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  3. Ahhhh this ending was one of my very few options hahaha. But it didn’t leave me feeling happy, so I went with The Lord of the Rings in stead hahaha. This was an EPIC ending though, and I totally know why you chose it! Great choice guys 🙂

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      1. Yeah getting through the middle book was a little bit tough….but I LOVE Tolkien’s writing, so what it was lacking in story progress at times, it made up for with the language 🙂

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  4. My only complaint about this one (which I love, I love the series as a whole) was what happened to Prim. I LOVED the Peeta storyline in this one though. Real or not Real was Okay before Okay was Okay.

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